This series titled, "The Virgin Islands as a Necro-World: Anti-Blackness and America's Colonial Problem," is an AAAS Innovative Initiative that aims to invite scholars, artists, and community organizers to discuss the methods that drive their examination of American colonialism in the United States Virgin Islands. The series begins Thursday, March 11, 2021, at 3 PST with the panel, "Wayward Archives and Decolonial Interventions: Examining Intimate Histories with the Virgin Islands Studies Collective."
An anthropologist, an artist, a writer, and a philosopher collaboratively engaged the prison records of four Afro Caribbean women who led a 19th century labor riot in St. Croix, Danish West Indies (now U.S. Virgin Islands). Join the VI Studies Collective in a conversation about intimate histories, collaborative research, and Black feminist decolonial archival interventions.
La Vaughn Belle, Artist in Residence, University of the Virgin Islands
Tami Navarro, Associate Director, Barnard Center for Research on Women
Hadiya Sewer, Research Fellow, African and African American Studies Program, Stanford University
Tiphanie Yanique, Associate Professor of English and Creative Writing, Emory University
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