"Upward Mobility", 2016, photographic print, 11"x17"
"Learning To Be", 2016, photographic print, 11"x17"
"Preacher Man Belle, Obeah Man Brown", 2016, photographic print, 11"x17"
"St. Croix Pickney", 2016, photographic print, 11"x17"
These photo-montages are a series that explores images from the Danish archives of the Danish West Indies and juxtaposes them with images from the personal archives and albums of the artist. They included images of the artist as an infant in the Virgin Islands and young child in Wisconsin while her father went to seminary school. There is an image of her mother carrying her youngest brother and an image of her father who was a Moravian and later an Anglican priest. The narratives embedded in the images become collapsed, converted, contested and re-imagined in the simple gesture of juxtaposition and/or adding captions to the images. Most of the captions are directly from the archives and then text is added to incorporate another layer to the narrative.